On 4 December last year, we lost a great comic book writer: Gotlib. The artist, known for his black humour, created characters such as Superdupont, Gai-Luron and La Coccinelle. Here’s a brief introduction to them.
This character is a kind of anti-hero. He wears a beret, a vest, a cape and traditional Charentaise slippers. He eats endless amounts of Camembert cheese and his English is terrible. As you’ll have gathered, he’s kind of a chauvinistic, xenophobic Superman who embodies all of the stereotypes about French people!
reated in 1964, this somewhat apathetic but affectionate dog looks a bit like Droopy. He is white with a large black nose and a small pot belly. Despite his name (which roughly translates as “a bit of a lad” and so usually refers to someone who’s a lot of fun), he is often sad.
Designed in 1968, La Coccinelle (The Ladybird) is a unique character because she often comments on what’s happening in a story or what other characters are saying. She’s an endearing, curious creature who appears in almost all of the writer’s books. Were you a big fan of Gotlib? Go on and read up on his comics. However, if you want to improve your French first, there are many ways to do so.
French Camps for teens at the Centre International d'Antibes