
Innovative teaching methods to encourage learning

Our teaching method is based on the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) produced by the Council of Europe. Depending on the CEFRL level of their class, teachers seek to develop a range of complementary language competencies both in spoken and written French.
We use active teaching methods. These involve a focus on oral work which we use to make students want to communicate and encourage learning. They involve developing oral and written language skills by combining work on grammar with motivational learning activities which also familiarize students with life in France and French culture.

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Putting the student at the center of learning

Teachers primarily use active teaching methods based on the communicative approach which is facilitated by small group sizes. It is a French-only approach to teaching which is embedded in the immersion program of the language stay. Within the group-class interaction is encouraged through the use of learning materials, with a particular focus on authentic paper, audiovisual and digital documents.
Teacher objectives include the use of a learning road-map and support to put the student at the center of learning. They will strive to create the right atmosphere in which each student can gain confidence in their ability to learn and have an enjoyable, motivational and effective experience at the Centre International d’Antibes.

Following the placement test which takes place on day one, a personal record is filled in by the teacher. This learning record stays with the student throughout their course.
This personalized monitoring is overseen by the teaching department. Every Friday, students are assessed on the learning sequence for that week.

Teachers speak to all students individually and offers them advice and tips. They note their feedback and comments in the personal record.

Immersion in the town

For us, learning is not restricted to the classroom. The Centre International d’Antibes is well established in the town and French-speaking environment, and we seek to use this advantage in our teaching and when planning the cultural activities that accompany the language stay.
The French-speaking environment and, in particular, the old town of Antibes, has always enabled us to develop and support the delivery of learning activities with local residents outside the classroom. These are always designed on the basis of the language proficiency of students and result in enjoyable, fruitful discussions, showing students that they are able to communicate and understand

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Passion for teaching

Driven by a passion for teaching French as a foreign language (FLE), in 2009 the teaching team created le Français et Vous, with its director as editor. Our free monthly magazine of online learning resources offers French exercises for all, cultural events for Francophiles and high quality teaching aids for teachers. Le Français et Vous has gained recognition as an instrument for exchanging and sharing learning resources and is distributed by many branches of the Institut français and teacher associations. Our students and internet users will also find in it our grammar guide along with exercises and a French test.

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