
Semaine du goût

La semaine du goût

Combining language learning with fine food

When you study French in France, you can also take advantage of your visit to the country of fine food to sample some authentic produce. And lucky for you, the 28th edition of the famous Semaine du Goût (Taste Week) takes place during the month of October. Throughout the week, professionals from the food sector (restaurateurs, farmers, retailers, etc.) help the public to rediscover all of the delights of French cuisine. Numerous events are organised right across France and renowned chefs offer menus designed especially for the occasion. Trust me, though: you don’t need to be a Michelin-starred chef to learn to cook healthy food. What’s more, it’s that well-known vegetable the squash which is taking centre stage for Taste Week 2017.

Eating healthily is vital

“It was better before!” “Food doesn’t taste the same as it used to!” “We no longer know exactly what we’re putting on our plates!” “The big industrial firms are hiding the truth from us!” I’m sure you’ve heard all of these things said many times. Eating well and consuming healthy food is, naturally, a key concern for everyone. Did you know, for example, that Taste Week is also held in Switzerland and Japan? Recent food scandals demonstrate the need to remain vigilant. Our consumer society, which is based on industrial production and intensive farming, is being challenged by an increasing number of people.

You can learn to eat well

All that is needed to rediscover the taste of natural food is education. Parents and teachers must pass good eating habits on to children. What does this mean in practice? It means that children must be introduced to different flavours, trained to avoid waste, taught to take their time when eating, made aware of the nutritional value and origins of the food they consume, etc. We also need to buy local products, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Lastly, if you can, try and opt for organic products. They’re good for you, and the planet!

French classes at the Centre International d'Antibes

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