
The Centre International d’Antibes is a true “melting pot”

Environnement multiethnique

A school open to the world

The Centre International d’Antibes is a true “melting pot”, and this openness towards other countries is a particularly important value in today’s world. Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Norway, Ireland, Poland, Sweden... This list is by no means exhaustive – our students come from every country of Europe! Indeed, the other continents are also represented, and every day you will see people from all four corners of the earth. And that’s a great thing for students like you, because it’s an opportunity to meet people from different cultures – perfect for learning about other ways of living and thinking. It’s particularly important to help each other with learning French, discover the links that unite different cultures, and understand the similarities and differences between individuals, wouldn’t you agree?

Antibes and the French Riviera – world-renowned locations

The Centre International d’Antibes welcomes dozens of different nationalities every year. With that in mind, did you know that lots of foreign celebrities have fallen in love with Antibes? They include Pablo Picasso, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and English novelist Graham Greene. Antibes is also twinned with eight other towns and cities around the world, including Newport Beach in California, Kinsale in Ireland and Krasnogorsk in Russia. Perhaps you’ve heard that the Riviera benefits from 300 days of sunshine every year and has some magnificent beaches? That explains why the area has always attracted visitors from throughout the world. Did you know, for example, that the Promenade des Anglais was originally built by the Anglican community living in Nice at the end of the nineteenth century?

Study with people from different nationalities: an amazing opportunity

Particularly at the summer campuses, you can meet young people of your own age, get to know them, and compare your school experiences, lifestyles, hobbies and points of view with your new friends. Lots of different nationalities all come together in the classroom, for events and to play sport! Integrating in this way will be helpful to your studies, and will also teach you to be more tolerant and open in the future. You will quickly understand that multiculturalism benefits the learning process. For example, it is very interesting to discuss stereotypes about different countries, and to learn the idiomatic expressions used in other languages. In today’s world, tolerance is an essential value: we must, above all, be citizens of the world. Chatting, joking and communicating with other people in French is the perfect way to learn, wouldn’t you agree?

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